Thursday, September 19, 2013

DIY Dream catcher

Since the last DIY was such a hit, I'd though do another one. This one is a kind of spin off the Hipster Room post because I had mentioned dream catchers in it. I have made two dream catchers this past summer, and they both turned out really nice. Down below is the first one I did.
I think it's pretty good for being my first try if I do say so myself...:)

Hot glue gun
Wooden embroidery hoop

You can get all this stuff at the Dollar Store or Micheal's. I would try and find supplies around your house that you already have because it can get expensive to buy it all new. Even going to your local Thrift Shop wouldn't hurt.

You can get the hoops in all different sizes, and it comes with two when you buy one, because there's an inside hoop and an outside one. Depending on which one you start with, you're going to want to start wrapping the ribbon in a different place. On the inner on, you can start anywhere. The outer one had a screw at the top to open and close the circle, just screw it as tight as it will go and start right next next to it. All you have to do it hot glue the start of the ribbon and start wrapping.

Truthfully, this part takes the longest. If you use a little hoop like I did, it wont take you very long. But if you use a big one like in the picture, it takes quite a while. After this part though, it's all cake.

*Remember, don't worry about making it look perfect because the coolest ones are the ones that look kinda messy*
Once you're done wrapping, you can start on the middle part. . This looks hard, but it's actually very easy. There's tons of different styles you can do, I did the traditional one as you can see. I don't really know how to explain doing it without a video, so I suggest to Google it.
If you do one where you use both hoops, you can put a table doily (not the paper ones) in the center and tighten the outer hoop around it. I've never done it, but it's on my list of things to try.

Next you're going to want to measure out some string for the bottom. You can attach them anyway you want. I took on long one and tied it so I got two stings out of the one. When gluing the beads, you learn as you go. If you're trying to get them lined up right, it most likely wont be perfectly lined because of the glue and pushing the beads into place. Same goes for the feathers. Basically from here it's whatever you prefer to do. You can do lots of strings with feathers, or fewer like I did if you want it to be a bit simpler and easier. You can even rip off scraps of fabric and tie them off the bottom if you want it to look more bohemian.

Here's the other one I did, as you can see I used different string for the feathers, and did a different kind of wrapping for the center. This center was the easiest, because you just need to tie it off on one place and keep wrapping until you have what you want. You can also see the screw at the top where I attached the hanging string. This it the outer hoop.

I'd love to here about how your dream catcher goes, maybe even send me a picture via email! If you think there's anything I need to add or have any questions, just comment and I'll answer:)

Stay lovely,
Dixie xox

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Fault in Our Stars: Book Review

First thing I'd like to say is, SPOILERS IN THIS POST!

So, recently I read The Fault in Our Stars. To be completely honest with you, In many ways the book was witty, hilarious, and completely and utterly heartbreaking. This book is by far one of the most amazing books I've read because it's not just a story of a girl who finds a boy and falls in love, the end. No, this book isn't like that.

I think that books are very personal to people, and many people take them in different ways. Let me explain, if you can relate to a book, you open your mind to the characters and story more so than someone who doesn't relate to it. I'm not saying I have cancer, but if anyone has gone through health problems, the characters in this book can word terrible situations better than any counselor.

I found that I could relate to many thoughts and personality traits of Hazel's. It was amazing to see a girl go to a support group with no intentions of making friends, and then see her fall in love with Augustus from the first time they see each other. *Sigh*, so perfect...

You will probably see other reviews comparing this book's story to Nicholas Sparks' A Walk to Remember. Initially, I compared the two stories too because there are quite alot of similarities, but I've only watched A Walk to Remember and have never read it so I don't think I have the right to completely compare them. But, I thought that Hazel and Gus had more of a connection because they were both broken and sick, although Gus had no cancer when they first met. If only it had stayed that way...

'It lit up like a Christmas Tree Hazel Grace...'

Can I just say, that line was a killer. After all this time, Hazel was the one resisting Augustus because she thought she'd be the first one to go, but then the plot twist came. I found the twist definitely a soul crusher, but John Green didn't just throw down the grenade at once so it wasn't as terrible as it could of been, but it was pretty bad.

It was so sad to see perfect Gus get so sick and helpless when he was getting to the end. You can't help but feel Hazel's heart break...

I read the majority of this book on the subway, so I couldn't cry without people thinking I'm a total weirdo, but when I finished it today and came home, I couldn't help it and I cried. I've never cried while reading books before, but this one, wow, this one I have to say really grabs on to your heart.

I could go on and on about this book for hours but I'll stop this review here. So, in conclusion, I recommend this book to anyone who wants to read a novel about true love and real pain. You get so close to the characters in this book, that you laugh with them, cry with them, and fall in love with them too. It's a truly beautiful story that won't leave your head even when you turn the last page. In the end, true love isn't just receiving a rose on Valentine's Day, but being there for each other until the very, very end.

xoxo Jelly 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Fear in the heart of a teen

It's the start of a new school year, everyone's trying hard to get back into routine and waking up out of their summer daze. The first day is always the scariest, especially if your the new kid or haven't been to school in a while because you home-schooled. For me, I'm the latter. I've been homeschooling for the past two years due to the fact that my family likes to travel. So today is my first day back part time, because I'm still doing a few courses online. Anyway, I know how scary school can be. There are pressures, fears, and just the overall stress of getting the work done. I'm not going to sugar coat it, schools tough. Here's a bit of advice.

Be nice. Be the best person that you can be. Honestly, this is very important. Just be good to people, help others. That new kid who's too shy to talk to anyone, invite them to join your group of friends. That nerdy kid that everyone hates, show him some kindness. I'm not talking about being perfect or not standing up for yourself because you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. No, I'm talking about not being mean, and not joining in on bullying someone just because everyone else is doing it. Trust me, If you're a good person, the less people have to talk about behind your back.

Don't be afraid about being yourself. Who cares what other people think? Plus, people think a lot less about you than you think. Just don't go out of your way resulting in getting unwanted attention. School sucks, so why not make the best of it by doing what you love. If you love chess, join the chess club. If you love to act, join the drama class. Don't worry about what people think about you, because as soon as you graduate, no one is going to care. That's another thing, you can't carry popularity out into the real world. When you graduate, no one cares if you were the most popular or prom queen. So don't strive to be popular. It's not worth it in the end.

Try new things. Break from your go-to friend group and try hanging out with other people once and a while. Or invite other people in if your more comfortable with that. Sign up for the yearbook committee or some cool after school club. You could even start your own if you want. Just find ways to make the best out of your high school years.

This next one connects is all of them. Don't let fear ruin your life. Don't miss out on doing something great just because your worried about what other people think, or that it might crash and burn. You never know until you try.

Stay lovely,
Dixie xox

p.s There's this nice girl who runs a blog about lots of different things, she's pretty cool so go check her out.