Wednesday, July 24, 2013

One Way Ticket to Cloud Nine Please!

Today in my small city, the weather was gorgeous and sunny! (And extremely HOT!) At the moment, I'm on the couch enjoying some much needed alone time, and I'm looking at a pretty view of the backyard. The sun is shining through the window, and I'm excited about this post! So, today I woke up and wondered what today's blog post should be on... After spending the day out and about with my mom and doing some art, I settled on a subject that is used very much but I thought, why not give my point of view on it! So here we go!

Being Thankful.
In my fifteen years, I've been through a lot of things, and there are some things I wish didn't happen to me. Personally, without happiness it would have been very hard to look at the positive part of certain situations. There are so many things to be thankful for. Family, friends, a home, clothing, food, clean water, good health, and the list goes on and on!  Ultimately, many of those things that we are thankful for, make us happy!

Many times, terrible things happen to us, and we really don't know why and how. But, how you see it is extremely important. Sometimes, you have to step back, and look at the situation from a different perspective/point of view. Looking at it from several different angles, no matter how hard it is for you to think differently, will give you a feel of different routes that the situation could lead to.

Positive & Negative
At first, the hardship you're facing will seem nothing but negative. But after a while, you'll realize that many other people are going through some things that are more harsh than what you're facing. Every hardship is hard for everyone, but there are many things to be thankful for. Focusing on the positive and not so much on the negative is extremely important to keep up the amount of happiness in your life. This is very, very hard, and I totally understand that. But believe that it won't last forever, have faith, and be strong.

It'll Be Over Before You Know It.
This school year, I had many tests and exams. They stressed me out so much! (On a side note, when we're stressed we usually eat lots of sweets like chocolate and icecream right? Well the funny thing is stressed spelled backwards is desserts!! Haha!) Anyways, what I said to myself before every test/exam was, 'It'll be over before you know it.' That really made me feel better because I looked forward to everything I could do after I was done!

So, for me, looking forward to every positive and fun thing I could do after every negative thing really made it feel like the time was going faster. So through every hardship you are facing, being thankful, changing your perspective, focusing on the positive and not just the negative, will help you believe that what seems never-ending, will be over before you know it.

Stay Strong!

xoxo Jelly

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