Sunday, August 11, 2013

In the Spotlight

Today there are tons of different magazines out there full of stories and gossip about famous people. Most of those stories are made up though, just something to capture your attention. While they have it, they'll tell you all sorts of nasty things about celebs to keep you reading. It very smart when you think about it, because who can resist reading the covers of the tabloids while you wait in line to pay for your groceries? Not me. Even if the headlines are completely bizarre, it still gets my attention making me want to read more.

The sad part is, most of us all love to read about the stupid things other people do. We like to make fun of them for being so dumb, or laugh at their mistakes and misfortune. There's always that part of us that wants to feel better than other people, so by reading the tabloids you're feeding that hunger. It's kind of like high school. You have the popular people who you secretly make fun of for being fake, when you do the same things except you're not in the spot light. People don't pay attention to your mistakes as closely as those who are popular because everyone's eyes are on them.

Celebrities are normal people who make mistakes just like the rest of us. The only difference is that everyone is watching them, and not you. How could you cope with that? Knowing full well you're always being photographed, always being surveyed. You have to be very careful on what you say and what you do, because one wrong move or a slip of words and you're on the cover of People magazine. So celebrities have the same issues non-celebs do. Drug addictions, divorce, etc. One of the worst parts is that sometimes they have to do crazy things to get them into the tabloids so they can stay popular.

For example, the Jonas Brothers. They we're a hot boy band a few years ago, making regular appearances in the magazines and that whole thing. Then they break up and still stay in the magazines. Kevin gets married and all of a sudden drops off the radar. Now how often do you talk about Kevin, or any of the brothers for that matter? Not very often, I'm guessing. If they made a comeback it would be very hard to get back to where they were because they didn't stay in the magazines. They didn't stay a hot topic for people to talk about and now they're not even close to being popular anymore. People loose interest when there's nothing to talk about.

What I hate is when people bash celebs for their screw ups. Like the whole thing going around about Justin Bieber smoking weed at a party. All of a sudden it's like the worst thing possible. But really, it's not. There's probably tons of kids at your school who smoke weed and don't get a hard time for it because they're not a celebrity. Or people thinking Harry Styles is a womanizer because of the made up stories in the tabloids. I mean you never really know what's true or not unless the person confirms it themselves in an interview. Otherwise it's just some adults sitting around a table making stories up about what crazy things the Kardashian's are supposedly doing.

My point is, celebrities are normal people stuck in the spot light 24/7. They do they same things we do, only they have people waiting for them to screw up so they can write about it, and if not, they make it up. So next time you read a magazine, remember that most of it's made up. That's why I always watch interviews instead to see what they actually said verses what people thought they said.

Stay lovely and sorry for my rant,
Dixie xox

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